Tuesday, July 18, 2006

kitty garage sale

One night some weeks ago, a dear friend found a little black kitten that had been mauled by a coyote. She brought it inside so that it at least could die in peace. But the kitten lived through night. My friend then decided to do whatever she could to give this little fighter its best chance to survive.

Vet visits ensued. Bills. And alas, despite veterinary science, prayer, and credit cards, the little black kitten, after trying so hard to live, expired.

Leaving my friend with a $350-odd bill.

Several of us offered to kick in a few bucks. And then my girlfriend mentioned that she would maybe have a garage sale to make up the difference.

As it happens, I was getting rid of some nice stuff. So I started a pile.
Another friend was moving. So I picked up a heap.
Another friend was emptying closets and cabinets. Five bags.
Another happened to have a sack of CDs and books.
And so on.

My filthy Subaru became a conveyance for kitty garage sale stuff. People all over heard the story and went through their stuff. I made several trips to my girlfriend's garage. And then, when one of my students (an accomplished potter with an MFA) gave me a box of her own, beautiful handmade ceramics (PLUS a green chair and five boxes of glass dishes), I nearly lost it.

I love this friend. I love all my friends. And right now, I love the generosity of people. And I love how willing people are to share.

As it happens, last Saturday, the hottest day of the year, was the day of the first kitty garage sale. People dribbled in slowly. But, hearing the story, people tended gave my buddy more than she asked for when they bought. At the end of the day she had made $200. Plus she still has a lot of good stuff for a second sale day, when maybe it isn't so excruciatingly hot.

Got stuff?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!

7/19/2006 6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure do. Where should I bring it?

7/22/2006 12:50 PM  
Blogger laurelpaley said...

I'll find out if it is ok for me to post her info publicly. If not I'll find out and phone you directly. Also you should read the newest post on Margaret Cho (and RELOAD since I JUST edited it a bit).


7/22/2006 1:25 PM  

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