Thursday, May 11, 2006

a farewell to mo

Mo Better Meatty Meat Burgers. The best sign in Los Angeles. Arguably the best NAME in Los Angeles. And it stuck out like a sore thumb, clinging to the northeast corner of Pico and Fairfax, white wrought iron and walls, silly neon burger and all. I have passed it a hundred times driving north on Fairfax, often swearing that I was going to bring a camera (or, more recently, a digital camera) and grab an image.

And now Mo Better Meatty Meat Burgers is gone. REALLY gone. Razed to the ground as if it was never ever there.

Did I ever eat there? No. This non-carnivore isn't about to EAT a meatty meatburger, after all. But it was so distinctive. Individual. So NOT McDonalds, NOT Burger King, NOT Carl's Jr.

Bye bye, Mo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did it disappear?

I recall seeing it many times as Bridget and I went to one of the Ethiopian restaurants north of it.

5/12/2006 6:54 AM  

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