Saturday, December 24, 2005

Runyon Canyon

I don't have a dog. I am allergic to cats and dogs now (the allergy has come on relatively recently), as well as bunnies and hamsters. This pisses me off. I used to be the only member of the Paley clan who was NOT allergic to animals. No more. I have joined the ranks of the Benadryl carriers, alas.

But I love cats and dogs.

So I take the occasional hike up Runyon Canyon and look at all the doggies (and their owners). Runyon Canyon is an off-leash dog park. Dogs run up to me with balls, check me out, sniffing and deciding.

I usually walk up with my girlfriend Rebecca. I say walk, because Rebecca is the REAL hiker. She takes the difficult climb. I take the easier, paved, less-steep incline. We go up separately, and then we walk back down together.

Anyway, I get my fill of doggies. I get an incredible view of L.A., I get a heart-pumping hike. AND I get to listen to Rebecca holding forth.

Mostly, I love the dogs.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

thoughts at 2 am

I love 2 am. Darkness. Velvety quiet. Moist air muffling the truck sounds just a little bit.

It is hard to believe that it is already December 13 (well, actually December 14! I had promised myself a post per week. Where has this week gone?

To Sylvia.

Sylvia, my fellow artist, confidante, buddy, and Santa Fe Art Colonist, et al, has been editing books (art historical, technical, ) for some time. She had a MAJOR MAJOR deadline on a pair'o' projects. And she found out that *I* used to edit books, too. So she hired me.

Yes, in another life, I used to be an editor. Querying authors. Restructuring flimsy writing. Cataloging and cleaning up errors. Hiring, negotiating, phoning, etc., etc. Macro and micro. WAY big picture and teensy details. Complicated, highly literate, and fun work requiring patience, extraordinary thorough-ness (is there such a word?) (I guess I'm not being paid to look it up right now......), patience, the ability to manage details, patience, and gobs of curiosity.

Almost every day (out of the past ten or so) I have spent ridiculous numbers of hours editing two manuscripts with/for Sylvia. I would take breaks to (a) grade my students' work, (b) sleep, and/or (c) keep up about a third of the things I had previously committed to. I have been cancelling cancelling cancelling soooooo many things. But a deadline is a deadline.

Anyway, Sylvia, the rest of this week is now given over to (a) taking down The Longest Potholder [awwwwwwww} and (b) finals. I can give you no more hours, at least not this week. Best of luck with the insane deadline you are working against.

You are a fantastic boss.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Tai's Cream (scoops)

Tai Kim is the friendliest, nicest, hippest, and coolest purveyor of gelato and ice cream in Los Angeles. His "ice cream parlor" ("gelateria"?) backs up against Los Angeles City College's perpetually-under-construction student parking lot.

712 North Heliotrope Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Tai is an artist. Went to Cal Arts, BFA in studio art. Then went to the Western Culinary Institute, chef. Then TAUGHT at the Western Culinary Institute, futurechef. THEN......... opened his own digs. Tai has designed perhaps 140 flavors (although he only serves 18 at a time), and adds more to the roster all the time. He scoops up his sinful and not-too-unhealthy delights Monday through Saturday, from noon to 9 pm, a bit later on Friday and Saturday nights. He always has at least two flavors that are non-dairy (rice milk, soy milk, or coconut milk). He always has a sorbet or two or three.

ordinary flavors:
chocolate peanut butter
oreo and M&M

EXTRAordinary flavors:
tahini, anise and date
tahini fig
starfruit and lychee
japanese pumpkin
pumpkin eggnog
chocolate habanero
mushroom amaretto
lemon black pepper

I can't begin to list all of the ones I have tasted. Every time Tai makes up a different batch. He plays. He experiments. This man is an ARTIST! Keep him in business. Go visit Tai. Eat Tai's Cream.